Wow it's week 6 already! Where did the summer go? As the summer is winding we are seeing how 8 strangers have become 8 teammates but even close friends. I love watching the kids learn and grow so much and seeing a change from the beginning of camp. It is full gear to prepare for parents night on the last day of camp. This week is also VBS in the hearing church so you don't know crazy schedules until that happens. There is probably somewhere near 2,000 bodies in the church until around noon. Our kids need to stay to the deaf hallway so they are combined alot which drives them a little bit crazy, especially since that means less fun games for this week unless we go to the park in the heat. Overall it is good though because the kids are still getting what they need and finding ways of enjoying the situation given for the week. There is nothing better then having a week where staff actually sees each other. Some have gotten sick and others allergies have been affecting them. I have grown to love and respect my teammates. Two of them though have helped me out alot this summer. I don't have much confidence in a lot of things but they continue to encourage me and inspire me. Carla and Whitney I thank you girls so much for everything. The kids just love them and Carla takes amazing pictures of the kids. Becky is also very sweet, I do not pick favorites so I am going to say something about everyone on my team mates. Becky helps alot with signing, and since she is deaf she is very fluent and knows a lot. Kayla is my room mate and she is a blessing to have as a room mate. We have our differences but I am still so thankful for her. Jonathan and Will, well they are the only boys and they are also the sunshine to every day, they know how to make us all laugh even it's we're exhausted. Crystal, she is a great leader, she makes our schedules, meets with our supervisor, and has a to do list that never ends. I love how organized she is and that she gets everything done and more. She doesn't get to spend much time with the kids but when she is there they love her, she is so good with them. Caitlin, she leaves friday and it's hard to believe her 3 weeks with us is almost at an end already. Even though she was here for a short time she definitely will be missed. Mrs. Beryl, what can I say I wouldn't ask for a different supervisor than her. She is strict when need be but she also knows how to cut the edge off things. She has helped me alot this summer. I came this summer with a lot of baggage and in conversations with her she has helped me realize who I am and that no matter what I am God's child! My host family is so hospitable and I am so thankful for everything that they do for me and Kayla. I was doing my quiet time and read Genesis 1-3 and am just so amazed at God's love for us. I know He loves me and that is why I need to show love back by serving and giving up my life for him. I am ready for what He throws my way. As the summer is coming to end leaving is going to be very bittersweet because we have become like a small family. Hopefully in January we will get together and go to Passion together but we need to start making details about that if we are going to. I am going to miss my team but God has big things to do through us when we go to our homes and apply what we have learned this summer.
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