Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Experiences

Well God has brought me to Tennessee this summer and it's definitely not what I expected. I am finding out that sometimes I can be annoying, whether it's talking to loud or saying something stupid when it's not appropriate. Hmm wow things I thought that I had worked on. Well since I came here I have felt alone, nervous, confused, not good enough, and many a time I have wanted to come home. I talk with God and read His Word and remember why I am here. I am not here for myself, I'm not here to make friends, I am here to do and learn God's will. For being here 3 weeks there isn't alot to say because there is so much to say and some is hard to explain but as I go through and think of specifics to update you about I definitely will!!

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to sharing Your journey as you are working in this mission field. Keep your eyes on The One who sent you (as u r), try your best to stopthe negative talk... Need to take my own advice I know ;-) & remember most of all... There is only One you need to make proud!

    Hugs& Prayers, HL
